[Social Innovation]: Some exciting opportunities! Also, GO DUKE!

Headlines in this email:

Scholarship $$ for Duke students interested in studying social innovation in Prague this summer

Going Beyond Z with KIPP “Knowledge is Power Program”

SSRI Workshop: Program Evaluation (Evaluation 101)
mHealth@Duke Shark Tank 2017 (Special Topic: Closing Health Disparities)
2017 Rice Business Plan Competition

CGI U 2017 Application Now Open 
Global MBA Launchpad Program 2017 in Shanghai, China



Scholarship $$ for Duke students interested in studying social innovation in Prague this summer

$1000 Scholarship to Prague July 1-30: Travel. Learn. Lead.


$1000 scholarship from the Sullivan Foundation are available for 1-2 students to attend Leadership exCHANGE's Global Leadership Program in Prague July 1-30.  Join students from around the world and increase your leadership, cross-cultural and innovation skills.  Earn 6-7 semester credits.  Apply now.  2-6 week programs in Prague, Vienna, and Raleigh also available, including the Impact HUB Crawl to Prague & Vienna June 18-30 and the Women & Leadership Program in Prague August 1-15. 



Going Beyond Z with KIPP “Knowledge is Power Program”


Featuring Mike Feinberg, Co-Founder

February 13, 2017

3-4pm in Rhodes Conference Room


Lessons learned from KIPP’s 21 years as a traditional public school and public charter school helping children succeed in PreK-12, college, and life.



SSRI Workshop: Program Evaluation (Evaluation 101)


SSRI Workshop: Program Evaluation

February 28, 2017, 2pm-4pm

SSRI- Gross Hall 230E


Presented by Jessica Sperling
Sponsored by SSRI, Libraries, and Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies

Registration: The workshop is free, but attendees should register in advance here

This workshop offers an overview of program evaluation, or the systematic investigation of the merit, worth, or significance of a program. Topics covered will include: when and why to conduct evaluation; types of evaluations; key aspects of an evaluation, including logic model development, data sources and data collection, analysis and reporting, and guiding resultant programmatic change; and tips for feasibly and effectively implementing evaluation at a program or organization. This workshop focuses on evaluation from the perspective of programs or organizations and will be of particular interest to people working in such settings who are looking to learn more about evaluation, but it is also relevant to undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, or other researchers who are interested in evaluation and applied research.

mHealth@Duke Shark Tank 2017 (Special Topic: Closing Health Disparities)

Do you have an amazing mHealth idea that will help close health disparities, globally or in the US? Then we have a competition for you!

Apply for a chance to pitch your idea to mHealth experts! The team with the winning pitch will get exclusive access to content experts as well as consulting hours with software engineers and business/startup consultants. There will also be a cash prize of $1,000.

Click here to apply! Applications are due Friday, February 24th by 5pm to mHealthatDuke@gmail.com

Goals of the Shark Tank:

  1. To provide a platform for the Duke community to share innovative ideas in mHealth or digital health

  2. To give applicants useful feedback on their ideas/solution

  3. To advance mHealth research and/or practice at Duke

  4. Network with the Triangle mHealth community and  have fun!


To be eligible for this competition you must be a Duke student, faculty or staff member, or affiliate. Faculty/staff teams are encouraged to have at least one member of the team be a Duke student and teams that include one or more Duke students will be considered more competitive. Additionally, your idea must:

  1. Use mHealth and/or digital technology (mobile apps, sensors/wearables, data analytics, decision support tools, etc.).

  2. Aim to address health disparities, including mental health or disease prevention or health promotion.

  3. Be intended for use by individuals (patients, consumers) and/or the health care providers in the service of patient care.

How it works: works:
Round 1: Apply to Swim with the Sharks! 

 Applications are due February 24th by 5pm to mHealthatDuke@gmail.com

  • A team of Duke faculty, staff, and student mHealth experts will review all applications

  • We will choose the top 4 applicant teams to swim with the sharks (a panel of mHealth and/or business experts) at a public event the first or second week of April (specific date/time TBD)

  • All applicants will have their team & idea added to a database hosted by mHealth@Duke, to share ideas and find others with similar interests.

Round 2: Swim in the shark tank!

  • The panel of “sharks” will choose the best and most promising idea

  • The winning team will be invited guests at the 2017 mHealth@Duke conference, and will be asked to give a short presentation on their idea.

Questions? Concerns? Contact us: mHealthatDuke@gmail.com

2017 Rice Business Plan Competition

Tomorrow (Friday, February 10) is the final day to apply for the 2017 Rice Business Plan Competition (RBPC).   Applications will close at 5pm sharp (U.S. Central time)!   


The RBPC will award more than $1.5 million in cash and investment prizes to the 42 university startup teams who will compete in front of 275 judges at Rice University in Houston, Texas, on April 6-8, 2017.   All 42 teams who are accepted to compete are guaranteed to take home cash prize money.


The competition is open to all current degree-seeking students from any university.   Teams must be comprised of 2-5 students, and must include at least one graduate student.  Team members can come from more than one university.  In addition to cash prizes, teams have the opportunity to receive feedback and meet investors at the competition.


Teams can apply by submitting an executive summary and team information.   They can access the online application here:   http://www.ricebusinessplancompetition.com/


If you have questions, please email Lea Aden Lueck, the RBPC Director, at rbpc@rice.edu



CGI U 2017 Application Now Open 

10th annual CGI U meeting will be held at Northeastern University, October 13-15

We are excited to announce that the CGI U 2017 meeting will take place at Northeastern University this fall from October 12-15. Hosted by President Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton, the 10th annual CGI U meeting will gather more than 1,000 innovative student leaders to make Commitments to Action that address some of the world’s most pressing challenges. More than $750,000 in funding will be available to select CGI U 2017 students to help them turn their ideas into action.

Apply Now

The early decision and travel assistance deadline is March 1, 2017, and the final application deadline is May 1, 2017. Program details and featured speakers will be announced at a later date.
Wondering if you’re eligible to apply? TO learn more and submit your application for #CGIU2017, click here and share this exciting news with your friends and family!


Global MBA Launchpad Program taking place from the 2nd of July  to the 15th of July 2017 in Shanghai, China

Our program is designed and taught by Stanford MBA alumni and has a specific China focus. Students will engage in case study classes, academic masterclasses, innovation workshops, company and co-working space site visits, and curate professional networking. The goal is for students to understand what it takes to be successful entrepreneurs in China and how to extract those lessons for applicability in other developing market contexts. Social entrepreneurship is an extremely promising area of development in China.

China’s complex and dynamic economy creates an ideal environment for the program, serving both to bolster participant knowledge of an internationally important but otherwise opaque market as well as to provide a unifying and level playing field context for the exploration of general lessons.

This program will build competencies sought after by key employers and top ranked MBA program both of which consider China an increasingly important area for innovation. Our participants will be leveraging the program to apply to highly competitive positions as well as to gain the skills, perspective, and network they need to be successful entrepreneurs.

You can find out even more information about the program via this link:





[Social Innovation]: Opportunities and Events


Headlines in this email include:

SBSI 2017 Conference

Aluma seeking to connect with Duke entrepreneurs

J.M.K. Innovation Prize 2017

IDEO’s 7 Week Introduction to Human Centered Design



SBSI 2017 Conference



​Want to hear from CEOs and Directors of some of the most successful impact focused firms in the country? The 12th annual Duke University SBSI conference, held at The Fuqua School of Business, is the premier sustainability and social impact conference in the Southeast.  On Feb. 8th, impact professionals and students will convene to discuss business models driving social, environmental, and financial returns. With 35+ confirmed speakers, including Jean Case CEO of CASE Foundation, conference happy hour and networking lunch, there is something for everyone at SBSI 2017.

RSVP today, come to SBSI 2017 and continue to drive solutions toward tackling global challenges. Learn more at www.FuquaSBSI.com

The theme of SBSI 2017 is how business tackles global challenges.  CEOs, Founders, and Directors of some of the most innovative and impactful businesses and non-profit organizations will discuss solutions to global challenges.  How can businesses most effectively manage natural resources, maximizing environmental, social, and financial returns?  Why and how are companies making a diverse workforce a top priority?  How can we best match capital with impact in investment opportunities?  Solutions are here, and we will continue to drive a sustainable and equitable future for generations to come. 



Alumna at VC Firm in Boston looking to connect to Duke student/recent alumni entrepreneurs


I am a current entrepreneur and MBA candidate at Fuqua.  I am working with a VC firm in Boston (http://www.406ventures.com/) as part of their student entrepreneur program.  I am looking to setup phone/coffee chats with as many entrepreneurs in the Duke community as possible.  My job is to serve as a .406 resource on campus (help with networking, intros, funding questions, etc.) 


If you have a company or are working on an idea please reach out to me (olivia.klupar@duke.edu); I'd love to talk!



Applications are now being accepted for the 2017 J.M.K. Innovation Prize 


Today, The J.M. Kaplan Fund, a New York-based family foundation, is pleased to announce the launch of the 2017 edition of The J.M.K. Innovation Prize. As in 2015, the Prize's inaugural year, up to ten Prizes will be awarded in 2017 to support early stage ideas addressing our country's most pressing social and environmental issues.


Prize recipients will each receive up to three years of support at $50,000 per year, as well as a $25,000 "bank" of funds available for technical assistance or targeted project expenses, making a total award of $175,000. Specifically, the Prize seeks to support social innovation in the fields of the environment, heritage conservation and social justice.  

&#8226                       View the one-pager about the 2017 Prize.

&#8226                       Meet our 2015 awardees.

&#8226                       Apply now! 

Please help us to spread the word by sharing this announcement with fitting organizations and your broader network. In 2015, we received 1,138 applications from 45 of 50 states. With your assistance, we hope to again attract high quality applications from exceptional idealists from across the country.


The application deadline is April 28, 2017. Please visit www.jmkfund.org or email jmkinnovationprize@jmkfund.org for additional information.



IDEO's 7 Week Introduction to Human Centered Design 


Our free, seven-week introduction Course for Human-Centered Design is once again open for registration! In partnership with Plus Acumen, IDEO.org offers this course for individuals that are brand new to the human-centered design process. If you've already taken the course or have previous experience with human-centered design, we encourage you to check-out our Prototyping Course to deepen your existing knowledge and practice.

Register for the Introduction Course: February 7th - April 11

Register for the Prototyping Course: February 7th - March 14



How does the course work? 

Both courses have been set-up as a group-guided learning structure which means that you'll need to form a team of between two and six people - referred to as your design team. Once you have your team, you'll meet each week to learn the human-centered design process via reading and workshop materials that we've created for you. 


How much do these courses cost?

Both the Introduction Course for Human-Centered Design and the Prototyping Course are offered for free thanks to the generosity of people like you who support us through personal donations. If you find the courses useful for advancing your skills and knowledge of human-centered design, please consider making a donation of $50 at ideo.org/donate. As a 501(c)(3) organization, all donations to IDEO.org are tax-deductible.


Do I have to take the course as a group?

Yes, we strongly suggest completing course materials as a group rather than individually. After all, human-centered design is all about collaboration! Additionally, we recommend finding a group that you can meet with in-person. If you're unsure of who will be in your group—don't worry. You can peruse our online learning platform to connect with others in your location.


Can IDEO.org help me find my group? Unfortunately given the large size of these courses, and the small size of our team, we are unable to help course takers find design team members. However, there will be a discussion section on the course platform when the course opens that can help connect you with other registered course takers.


What if I've taken the course already? Human-centered design is all about practice, practice, practice! We encourage you to join us again in honing your human-centered design skills. 


Who else is taking the course? You'll join teams from around the world taking this course as part of the leadership classes offered by Acumen. Last year, many participants found it valuable to take the course with coworkers and explore how human-centered design can add new perspectives to their work—whether it be applied to nonprofits, social enterprises, educational institutions, or international aid organizations. In addition, you'll have the opportunity to share learnings, ask questions, and get to know other course participants from around the world via an online community hosted on NovoEd.

More human-centered design? Sign up on Design Kit and join the conversation on Facebook to become part of our 100,000+ community of practicing human-centered designers! 


More questions? Email courses@plusacumen.org.


Katherine Black

Program Coordinator, Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative (I&E)

www.entrepreneurship.duke.edu | @dukesocent


SUBSCRIBE to the Duke Social Entrepreneurship Listserv (events, news, resources): 



Blog of SocEnt internships and full time jobs



Blog of SocEnt competitions



Join our SocEnt Facebook group: 



Request to join the DukeGEN Social Entrepreneurs Network: 



Social Innovation]: Welcome back! Here are some exciting upcoming opportunities!

Summer 2017 opportunity

Duke Alum’s Nonprofit, One Sun Health is Hiring Interns


(See attached for detailed flyer)


Each year OSH brings on 2-3 student interns from the US and South Africa to serve as Program Coordinators for our Malaria Awareness Program. Students spend 8-10 weeks in rural South Africa leading the planning, execution, and evaluation of our flagship program.


Funding: $5,000-$7,000


Interested students should contact Molly Simon at msimon@onesunhealth.org


Summer 2017 opportunity

DukeEngage Detroit

Connecting aspiring social innovators with one of the most dynamic cities of innovation


The DukeEngage Detroit program aims to support the development of change-making leaders with a clear sense of self, empathy, a willingness and ability to collaborate, an action orientation, a drive to continuously improve, and a deep sense of accountability for their actions in the world.  


Upcoming Info Session:

Wednesday, January 18th (during DukeEngage week)

West Union 068



Apply here: http://dukeengage.duke.edu/

Application deadline: January 24th at noon


Watch our DukeEngage Detroit video here!



Some noteworthy articles on Detroit:

Reimagining Detroit

50 Detroiters: Voices from Our City

Scenes from a Changing Detroit
Downtown Detroit is Booming; Now How Do We Reach the Neighborhoods?

The Lights Are On in Detroit


In partnership with Duke’s signature immersive civic engagement program, DukeEngage, our program DukeEngage Detroit is our initiative’s summer offering for undergraduate students interested in social innovation here at Duke.


The DukeEngage Detroit program offers discrete, deeply immersive civic engagement experiences on challenging projects to support community-based strategies to develop and scale innovative, high-impact social enterprises in the areas of economic development, environmental sustainability, health innovation, as well as with intermediary organizations supporting these types of organizations. 


Pairs of students are challenged to further define and implement a project that has been requested by the community partner and to create significant results -- results that the students will view as a signature accomplishment when they graduate from Duke. Students are actively supervised and coached by the program leaders and the site coordinator but must have initiative and a hard work ethic.  


One important program priority is the development of the student cohort as a supportive, helpful, engaged community. Placements are also supplemented by a professional development and enrichment program that will introduce students to the basic concepts and tools of social entrepreneurship; introduce students to the culture, history, and economics of Detroit; and foster reflection on their learning throughout the summer and beyond through several weekly gatherings, events, and activities facilitated by the site coordinator. 


Taking Action Against Food Waste

Sponsored by Durham Urban Food Foragers 


(See attached for detailed flyer)


40% of our food in America gets wasted every year, while 1 in 8 people are food insecure. How can we reduce this waste in the Triangle Area? Please join us for our kick-off meeting to generate ideas and take action in our local community. Everyone is welcome and we are excited to share ideas and start innovating solutions! 


Where: The BullPen at Duke's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative, 215 Morris St

When: Wednesday January 24th at 6:30pm. 


There is free parking across the street, and we will provide refreshments from rescued food! To RSVP, send a text to 919-794-5138 with <your name>, Food Waste Warrior to RSVP and receive a reminder text the day of the event. 

Blueprint: People+Wildlife Conference


January 27-28 at Duke University


Ideating revolutionary solutions. This event brings together students who are passionate about innovative solutions, experts with extensive knowledge of the major issues, and organizations with the resources and mission to address those problems. Together we will pioneer Blueprints for projects/technologies/apps so crazy they just might work.


Topics are designed to explore the areas of conservation that directly affect humans around the world.


Topics Include:

Invasive Species

Harmful Human Wildlife Interaction

Illegal Wildlife Trafficking

Citizen Science & Resource Management


Register now! http://www.dukeblueprint.com/


Presented by Duke Conservation Tech http://www.dukeconservationtech.com/



Take One-Question Survey to Help Student Venture

Please spare a few seconds to take this 1-question survey helping a student pick the name for her eco-friendly cleaning product!




[Social Innovation]: Updates before the Holidays!

Updates before the Holidays!


·         Blueprint Conference: People and Wildlife

·         Page Summer Internship

·         Submit Articles for the International Undergraduate Journal for Service-learning, Leadership and Social Change

·         D-Prize applications

·         Submit a Project Proposal for Duke’s Data+ Summer Research Experience

·         Lendingtree Grant Contest

·         Apply for the Kenan Purpose Program


Blueprint Conference: People and Wildlife


January 27-28 at Duke University


Ideating revolutionary solutions. This event brings students and experts together to pioneer Blueprints for projects/technologies/apps so crazy they just might work. Student organizations will develop and deploy the strongest Blueprints under the mentorship of leading experts.


The topics are designed to explore the areas of nature and conservation that directly affect humans around the world.

Topics Include:

Invasive Species,

Harmful Human Wildlife Interaction,

Illegal Wildlife Trafficking,

Citizen Science & Resource Management


Register now: http://www.dukeblueprint.com/


Presented by Duke Conservation Tech http://www.dukeconservationtech.com/



Apply to PAGE Summer Internship
Application deadline: January 17th

PAGE aims to inspire and empower underserved rural girls through education. Now in its 7th year, PAGE offers innovative learning opportunities for girls in grades 6-9, a mentoring program for 9th grade girls, and high school internships for rural girls with college dreams.  Our goal is to help rural girls and young women create futures that include greater confidence and success in middle school and high school, graduation from high school, and postsecondary education.

For more Information, email Deborah Hicks-Rogoff at dhicks@duke.edu and click here



Submit Articles for the International Undergraduate Journal for Service-learning, Leadership and Social Change


The International Undergraduate Journal for Service-learning, Leadership, and Social Change has a call for papers.


The Journal considers three types of articles:

1.)     Articles that discuss the development of a service learning project and the impact of the project on the community served

2.)     A case study of a service-learning project

3.)     A refection on service-learning and the development of personal leadership


For more information, click here

Submit by e-mail to: Ned Scott Laff ned.laff@gmail.com  or Joyce Fields jfields@columbiasc.edu



D-Prize Applications are still open!

Applications are due December 29th


Interested in submitting your new social venture idea? Visit http://www.d-prize.org/ for more details. 

More details at www.d-prize.org/#challenges



Submit a Project Proposal for Duke’s Data+ Summer Research Experience

Applications open in January


Data+ is a 10-week summer research experience that welcomes Duke undergraduates interested in exploring new data-driven approaches to interdisciplinary challenges. Students join small project teams working alongside other teams in a communal environment. They learn how to marshal, analyze, and visualize data, while gaining broad exposure to the modern world of data science.

data science.

For more information, click here!


Want to change the world with your idea? Join Lendingtree’s small business grant contest!



LendingTree is offering support in the form of a $50,000 grant to help one small business achieve even more success. Tell us about your business, how you would use the prize money and why your business deserves this grant for a chance to win. Opportunity is knocking!




Apply for the Kenan Purpose Program

Now accepting applications on a rolling basis for the spring


Open to Duke sophomores and juniors, the program combines rigorous reflection, insights on meaningful work, and opportunities for mentored, funded internships. You will understand your place in the world better, building a stronger sense of where to go from here, but why.

If you are starting to think seriously about your life post Duke and haven’t quite figured it all out yet, this is for you. If you think you know what’s next but want help focusing your plan, this is for you, too.

For more information, click here


Katherine Black

Program Coordinator, Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative (I&E)

www.entrepreneurship.duke.edu | @dukesocent


SUBSCRIBE to the Duke Social Entrepreneurship Listserv (events, news, resources): 



Blog of SocEnt internships and full time jobs



Blog of SocEnt competitions



Join our SocEnt Facebook group: 



Request to join the DukeGEN Social Entrepreneurs Network: 




[Social Innovation]: Developing a product in the life sciences/healthcare space? Apply for the CED Life Science Conference Innovation Room and On-Stage Showcase!


See below if you are you developing a product or technology in the life/sciences or healthcare space!


Company applications for Innovation Room and On-stage Showcase at the CED Life Science Conference 2017

open through Friday, December 16. 

To apply, the company must be developing a product or technology in the life sciences/healthcare space. 

February 28-March 1, 2017 ∙ Raleigh, NC



Company Applications Now Open
for Innovation Room &
On-Stage Showcase Presentation
Deadline: Friday, December 16


Attention Entrepreneurs: Are you an emerging life science company? Apply to maximize your exposure to investors, partners, and more at CED Life Science Conference 2017. 


One Application. Two Opportunities. 

Priceless Exposure.

INNOVATION ROOM - Reserved Exhibit Table - Limited Availability


Benefits include:

·  Investor Exposure. #1 opportunity for one-on-one networking and live display of your capabilities to 50+ investors from across the country.

·  Networking: Show and Tell. Exhibit your technology in person for potential partners & clients to experience (equipped with 8 ft. table, power & internet).

·  FREE Partnering: One-on-one Appointment Scheduling. Before the conference, entrepreneurs get access to Partnering software to request and manage private one-on-one meetings with investors and partners ($300 value).

·  Special Promotion. Get featured on the conference website, in the mobile app, in pre-conference email blasts, and other event materials.

·  Media Coverage. Maximize your exposure to local and national press in attendance (over 30 news articles written in 2016).

·  Lowest Registration Rate! $275 Registration by Feb 2. Entrepreneurs selected for Innovation Room (& co-workers) attend the conference for the lowest rate.​

SHOWCASE/LIGHTNING ROUND - On-stage Presentation - 10-15 Companies


Innovation Room table and ALL BENEFITS listed above PLUS:

·  Live On-Stage Presentation. Share your story in front of 1,000+ investors, top industry visionaries, corporate leaders, and fellow entrepreneurs.

·  Pitch Scrub with Community Mentors. Prepare for your presentation with one-on-one help from a team of proven entrepreneurial leaders. 

·  FREE ADMISSION. Each entrepreneur selected for on-stage Showcase gets 1 free registration. Co-workers can register for the low rate of $275 by Feb 2.



Deadline: Friday, December 16


Early January - Applications are reviewed. Selected companies are notified.
Late January - Public announcement of Innovation Room & Showcase companies


Not part of an eligible company?
Forward this email to spread the word to the best candidates in your network.


Click for More Info on CED Life Science Conference 2017