[Social Innovation]: Developing a product in the life sciences/healthcare space? Apply for the CED Life Science Conference Innovation Room and On-Stage Showcase!


See below if you are you developing a product or technology in the life/sciences or healthcare space!


Company applications for Innovation Room and On-stage Showcase at the CED Life Science Conference 2017

open through Friday, December 16. 

To apply, the company must be developing a product or technology in the life sciences/healthcare space. 

February 28-March 1, 2017 ∙ Raleigh, NC



Company Applications Now Open
for Innovation Room &
On-Stage Showcase Presentation
Deadline: Friday, December 16


Attention Entrepreneurs: Are you an emerging life science company? Apply to maximize your exposure to investors, partners, and more at CED Life Science Conference 2017. 


One Application. Two Opportunities. 

Priceless Exposure.

INNOVATION ROOM - Reserved Exhibit Table - Limited Availability


Benefits include:

·  Investor Exposure. #1 opportunity for one-on-one networking and live display of your capabilities to 50+ investors from across the country.

·  Networking: Show and Tell. Exhibit your technology in person for potential partners & clients to experience (equipped with 8 ft. table, power & internet).

·  FREE Partnering: One-on-one Appointment Scheduling. Before the conference, entrepreneurs get access to Partnering software to request and manage private one-on-one meetings with investors and partners ($300 value).

·  Special Promotion. Get featured on the conference website, in the mobile app, in pre-conference email blasts, and other event materials.

·  Media Coverage. Maximize your exposure to local and national press in attendance (over 30 news articles written in 2016).

·  Lowest Registration Rate! $275 Registration by Feb 2. Entrepreneurs selected for Innovation Room (& co-workers) attend the conference for the lowest rate.​

SHOWCASE/LIGHTNING ROUND - On-stage Presentation - 10-15 Companies


Innovation Room table and ALL BENEFITS listed above PLUS:

·  Live On-Stage Presentation. Share your story in front of 1,000+ investors, top industry visionaries, corporate leaders, and fellow entrepreneurs.

·  Pitch Scrub with Community Mentors. Prepare for your presentation with one-on-one help from a team of proven entrepreneurial leaders. 

·  FREE ADMISSION. Each entrepreneur selected for on-stage Showcase gets 1 free registration. Co-workers can register for the low rate of $275 by Feb 2.



Deadline: Friday, December 16


Early January - Applications are reviewed. Selected companies are notified.
Late January - Public announcement of Innovation Room & Showcase companies


Not part of an eligible company?
Forward this email to spread the word to the best candidates in your network.


Click for More Info on CED Life Science Conference 2017


