[Social Innovation]: Welcome back! Exciting SocEnt opportunities for you.

Below you will find info on: Triangle Health Innovation Challenge, Ignite Retreat, Global Accelerator Learning Initiative Competition, USD’s Center for Peace & Commerce Global Social Innovation Challenge, Global Health & Innovation Conference, Open IDEO course on Human Centered Design & Prototyping, new global health course in Entrepreneurial Problem Solving, Social Science Research Lab courses, Duke APD Consulting Club Executive Board Recruitment, Good Company Ventures job opportunities, FCCP client applications are open 

Triangle Health Innovation Challenge

Bringing together the Triangle’s best to build innovative solutions for improving healthcare. 

See details at http://www.thincweekend.org 

Ignite Retreat
Duke students are eligible to apply for free tickets - deadline is Oct 3.
From Oct 20-22, college students from across the country are invited to the Ignite Retreat in Asheville, NC to explore what it means to be explore alternative career paths as a changemaker. Facilitators and speakers will guide students over 3 days through a hands-on experience to explore how their skills and gifts contribute to creating a better world. Prominent social entrepreneurs and community organizers will join student participants throughout the weekend to share their personal journeys and lessons they've learned over the years. There will be a dedicated track for students particularly interested in launching a social venture or changemaking project. 
For more information and to register, visit www.IgniteRetreat.live

Global Accelerator Learning Initiative launches first ever student competition

On September 18th, we’ll officially invite undergraduate and graduate students to answer a key question for the field of entrepreneurship by analyzing our unique, global dataset on early stage entrepreneurs. The winning submission will be published on www.galidata.org  and will be awarded a prize of $2,000. Plus up to two runner-up submissions may be awarded %500 each. The competition is open to individual and team submissions from universities around the world. Competition guidelines will be released on September 18th, and then submissions will be due November 3rd.  Global Accelerator Learning Initiative 

USD’s Center for Peace and Commerce Global Social Innovation Challenge

Colleges/universities world wide are invited to join the University of San Diego in the 8th year of student-driven social innovation. Can you imagine students from your university competing in sunny San Diego for $50,000+ in seed funding for their social venture while growing their global community of like-minded changemakers? USD provides the platform, a curriculum, and a global competition. Participating universities provide the students who are passionate about shaping a better world! Check out the website or schedule a call for more information. 

15th Annual Global Health & Innovation Conference, 

April 14-15, 2018 | Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

Register for the Global Health & Innovation Conference by August 31 for a highly reduced registration rate (50% lower than regular). The Global Health & Innovation Conference at Yale, is the world’s leading and largest global health conferences as well as the largest social entrepreneurship conference, with 2,000 professionals and students from all 50 states and more than 55 countries. This must-attend, thought-leading conference convenes leaders, change makers, professionals and students from all sectors of global health, international development, and social entrepreneurship. 

Open IDEO Intro Course for Human Centered Design and Prototyping- Open for Registration!

In partnership with Plus Acumen, IDEO.org offers this course for individuals looking to learn more about the human-centered design process. Both courses open on September 12, 2017.

Register Now - Introduction Course  Sept 12 - Nov 14
Register Now - Prototyping Course Sept 12 - Oct 17

I&E-263S  “Entrepreneurial Problem Solving in Global Health”

Wednesdays, 10:05am-12:35pm, Trent Hall, Room 124

Global health, both international and local, has a long way to go to support healthy lives. In this class, students will have the opportunity to gain understanding of how the Entrepreneurial method can help to improve health. This course is divided into several main sections: overview, theory of change, needs analysis, interventions, resource strategies, operational issues, evaluations and outcomes and finally a Promising Idea project. Each section will include various exercises, debate activities, interactive conversations, intersessions which might include fieldtrips on and off-campus, providing you with an experiential and interdisciplinary approach to learning the fundamental principles and application of Entrepreneurship. Students should be prepared to ambitiously step out of their comfort zone and into a new realm of learning and action.  Taught by Dr. Dennis Clements, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Community & Family Medicine, and Global Health; see bio at http://globalhealth.duke.edu/people/faculty/clements-denni


Social Science Research Lab

Do you want on-the-ground experience in applied social science research? 

The Social Science Research Lab courses engage students in project-based learning in social science research principles and their real-world application. The Social Science Research Lab, launching in Fall 2017, aims to provide undergraduate students a foundational and applied experience in social science research principles, methods, and their real-world application, including for evaluation practice. Through this lab, we aim to further the relationship between research and practice. Courses operating within this Lab will prepare students for future endeavors at Duke, including participation in Bass Connections projects, and beyond. This Lab is based in Duke University’s Social Science Research Institute. In Spring 2018, Fall students will have the option of enrolling in subsequent Spring Lab course. This will include a project-based/consulting role with the partner program.


Courses part of the lab: 

In Fall 2017, two courses will be offered within this lab:

  • Evaluating Health Innovation (EHD 290S-02 (10173)): NOTE: This course is an elective for the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Certificate and the Science & Society Certificate; it can also serve as a Civic Engagement & Social Change Certificate elective if aligned with a student’s pathway within the certificate.This course is part of the SSRI’s undergraduate Social Science Research Lab. It is in partnership with the Duke Institute for Health Innovation, which promotes transformative innovation in health and healthcare. The course will include dual focus on 1) methods and practices in social science research, especially community-based and applied evaluation practice; and 2) topical issues related to the partner, including: healthcare as a cause and consequences of social problems, evolution of healthcare financing and administration, and innovation’s role in solving healthcare challenges. Students will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have gained through project-based evaluation consulting work with the Duke Institute for Health Innovation (DIHI).  Instructors: Jessica Sperling Smokoski, Will Ellaissi

  • Community Data in Action (EHD 290S-01 (10172)): NOTE: This course is an elective for Civic Engagement & Social Change Certificate and for the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Certificate. This course is part of SSRI’s undergraduate Social Science Research Lab. It is in partnership with DataWorks, which provides a platform for connecting and making accessible neighborhood-level data indicators. The course will include a dual focus on 1) methods and practices in social science research, especially community-based and applied practice; and 2) topical issues related to the partner, including: industrial history and its influence on urban geography, real estate markets and neighborhood change, and contemporary challenges of urban planning and community economic development. Students will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have gained through project-based work with DataWorks.  Instructor: John Killeen

Who should enroll? Lab classes are intended for undergraduates, ranging from freshman to seniors.

When are classes? Both classes are Tu/Th 10:05AM - 11:20AM. All Lab students will participate together in Tuesday sessions, which will focus on social science research methods with a focus on applied/community-engaged research partnership. The two courses will be held separately on Thursday sessions, with each focusing on its own topical area.

What if I have other questions? For more information about the Lab, contact Jessica Sperling (Jessica.sperling@duke.edu) or the individual course instructor(s).

Duke APD Consulting Club Executive Board Recruitment 
Duke APD Consulting Club is a student-run organization at Duke University that works to enhance career opportunities, training & development for graduate students at Duke University. Come to work as the Duke APD Consulting Club’s Executive Board in 2017-2018. Through your work, you will gain extremely valuable contacts with consultants across the United States, gain experience in leading endeavors throughout the organization from event planning to social media management, and make decisions that will have an extreme impact on other club members and beyond.  No experience in consulting is necessary for these positions. Visit our website to know more about our club: 


GoodCompany Ventures is hiring for two opportunities

Communications Associate, directing GCV's communications and marketing strategy

Baldino Social Finance Fellowship, a one-year position supporting GCV's venture capital, impact investing and nonprofit finance needs. 

Questions? Devon Sanford, Senior Associate, GoodCompany Ventures devon@goodcompanygroup.org 

Is your social venture facing a challenge that could benefit from a fresh perspective? 

The Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum connects you with a team of carefully selected MBA students to help your project. 

Client applications due September 30th: https://centers.fuqua.duke.edu/case/2017/06/19/fccp-2017


[Social Innovation]: Upcoming events and upcoming opportunities

A list of upcoming events followed by a list of upcoming opportunities and deadlines. Happy Wednesday!


Upcoming Events

Dictatorship and Diaspora: African Intellectuals and Global Stories

Friday April 14th @2:45pm-3:45pm, Rubenstein Library Carpenter Conference Room 249

Born in Niefang (Equatorial Guinea), journalist, historian, and novelist, Donato Ndongo Bidyogo is a prolific writer. Throughout his career, Ndongo has employed fiction as the vehicle to express his political views on migration and isolation. While his novels have garnered attention for their portrayal of the migrant experience in Spain he was originally trained in African History. As a journalist and academic in Europe and the United States, he took it upon himself to denounce the Macías dictatorship and disseminate information about his country. He will speak to the power of storytelling to overcome boundaries and disciplines as well as the important role African intellectuals play in doing so. By bringing to the fore the experiences of exile and immigration, Ndongo's work challenges the very construction of area studies in our contemporary world where globalization has put nationalities in question. Reception to follow.

Please email Anna Tybinko with questions and to sign up for working lunch with the speaker prior to the event. 

For more information, click here


IDEATE is coming up!

Saturday, April 15th 10am-5pm at the Nasher Museum of Art

IDEATE is a one-day design conference that will feature speakers from tech companies like Spotify and Facebook, design agencies, and community organizations. This year’s topics range from UI/UX, physical product design, museum display, and designing for behavior change At the end, a hands-on design challenge with prizes will be held for students to apply the design knowledge they have learned throughout the day. Design thinking is relevant to all fields and becoming increasingly important especially in business and technology.


Ethics, Pregnancy and the Race for a Zika Vaccine

Monday, April 17th, 2017 @12pm-1:30pm, Ahmadieh Family Conference Room, West Duke Building Room 101

For its April 17 Monday Seminar Series, Kenan Institute for Ethics welcomes Anne Drapkin Lyerly, Professor of Social Medicine and Associate Director of the Center for Bioethics at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill’s Department of Social Medicine. She is also Research Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Lyerly will present “Ethics, Pregnancy and the Race for a Zika Vaccine.” She is currently co-principle investigator on a Wellcome Trust funded project to advance equitable inclusion of pregnant women research on Zika and other public health emergencies. 

RSVP by emailing Bashar Alobaidi at bashar.alobaidi@duke.edu.

For more information, click here


The World is Watching: Duke Students Abroad in the Age of Trump

Tuesday, April 18th @12:00pm-1:30pm, Ba4 Smith Warehouse

This panel will focus on what issues students and faculty need to consider when traveling this summer, and what it means to represent an American university at this time. Panelists will prepare questions that help students reflect on how they engage in conversations about the current political situation and discuss the privilege of crossing borders when many people cannot. Cluadia Koonz will moderate, Robyn Winneberger, the senior case manager from David Price’s office will serve as a panelist as well as a Duke faculty member and two students.

Learn more here


Minority Business Conference @ Fuqua

April 22nd, 9am-4pm, The Fuqua School of Business

The Black and Latino MBA Organization at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business cordially invites you to attend our annual Minority Business Conference taking place from

9am - 4am on Saturday April 22nd. Join us and learn about how to stand out amongst the crowd as told by successful corporate executives, entrepreneurs and investors.

Keynote speakers include: Oris Stuart (Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer of the National Basketball Association), Renee Tirado (Vice President of Talent  Acquisition for Major League Baseball (MLB) and Diversity & Inclusion for MLB, MLB Advanced Media and MLB Network), Devin Johnson (President & COO of Uninterrupted), Isa Watson (CEO & Founder of Envested), and Beatriz Acevedo (CEO & Founder Mitu Network). Register here!


Do Lunch with Khzir Khan

Thursday, April 20th @12:00pm-1:00pm, Blue Parlor, East Duke Building

Can a democracy single-out religious and ethnic groups for increased scrutiny in the name of security? Has the United States turned on its heels, from the promise of an inclusive community welcoming immigrants and visitors of all races, religions and creeds; was it ever that ideal? Should it be? Should a nation be governed by leaders strictly enamored with its foundational documents and what happens if their interpretation of those principles differs dramatically from those of their predecessors? Join Khizr Khan for lunch to discuss these questions and more.

RSVP here

Learn more here


Co-Lab Featured Course: 3D Printing Workshop

In his 3D-Printed Model Finishing Workshop, Joel Crawford-Smith will provide the basics of choosing correct print settings for PLA plastics. Next he focuses on "glues and goos," preparing surfaces and applying adhesives. He'll discuss different applications of adhesives from epoxies to cyanoacrylate (better known as super glue) and then move on to a variety of paint types and painting application. Each participant of the workshop will go home with their own artfully finished 3D print piece. This workshop, a collaboration between the Co-Lab and DukeCreate, will be held on Monday, April 17th, from 6:00-8:00pm. To learn more or register, click here!


Earth Optimism Summit

April 21-23

Hosed by the Smithsonian Institute

What’s working in conservation?

Numerous live-streamed events, including Social Entrepreneurship. Here’s is a link to the conference where you can register and view a detailed schedule. https://earthoptimism.si.edu/




Apply to Duke College Advising Corps

Application Deadline: Friday, April 14th, 2017

The Duke College Advising Corps places exceptional current Duke undergraduate seniors and recent alums (‘14, ‘15, ‘16) from ALL fields of study in central North Carolina high schools as near-peer college advisers to lead low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented students to college. Advisers serve the entire school year, with the possibility of extending their term of service for an additional year. Current openings are in Durham, Wake and Sampson Counties. It is a full-time salaried position that includes health benefits. 

For more information, click here


Internships with the European Parliament in Washington D.C.

Tuesday, April 11 @4:15pm-5:00pm, Old Chem 11

The European Parliament Liaison Office with the US Congress invites US citizens with an undergraduate degree to apply for a full-time, paid, 3-month internship. There is an option for a two-month extension in Brussels.  Monitor transnational politics in action, see global players in international affairs addressing challenges across policy areas, and witness the interplay between decision-makers in the US and lawmakers from the European Union. A panel on the future of the EU will follow. 

For more information email Amanda Frederick

Learn more here


Apply to Sustainable Duke Internship

Application due: Friday, April 14th

Apply for Sustainable Duke’s summer internship! Join Sustainable Duke and get paid for 35 hours a week working on a variety of sustainability-related topics, including greenhouse gas accounting, website development, and data visualization of sustainability-based metrics.

For more information, click here


Apply to the Stephen and Janet Bear Postgraduate Fellowship in Ethics

Application due at noon on April 14th

The Stephen and Janet Bear Postgraduate Fellowship in Ethics allows recent Duke graduates to help shape new and existing work and outreach of the Kenan Institute for Ethics. This unique opportunity provides exploration of meaningful career paths and fosters interdisciplinary thought and productive problem-solving across disciplines.

Learn more and apply here


Apply to the Women's Leadership Initiative Cohort

Deadline: April 17th

Interested in developing yourself as a strong female leader? The Penny Pilgram George Women's Leadership Initiative is taking applications for our year-long cohort experience. Participate in service, connect with our leadership and networking opportunities, and go on an exclusive spring break trip! 

For more information, click here.


Global Impact Corps: Global Health Volunteer Abroad Opportunity

Deadlines Vary per Program

Unite for Sight's Global Impact Corps Program is an immersive global health experience for students and professionals who are interested in public health, international development, medicine, or social entrepreneurship. Fellows participate with and learn from Unite For Sight's talented local partner doctors who have provided care to 2.2 million patients living in poverty, including more than 95,000 sight-restoring surgeries. Fellows assist with patient education, visual acuity testing, patient intake, distributing the glasses and mediation prescribed by the local doctors, and other important support tasks. Additionally, fellows may participate in the Global Impact Lab, an optional program for those interested in pursuing research. 

To learn more, click here


Last Call for Applications for CGI U 

Deadline: May 10, 2017

Apply now to attend CGI U 2017 at Northeastern University, which will take place from Friday, October 13 - Sunday, October 15, 2017. CGI U is President Clinton’s initiative to engage the next generation of leaders on college campuses around the world. Each CGI U student must make a Commitment to Action: a specific plan of action that addresses some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Last year, we brought 27 students to CGI U at Berkeley.

For more information and to register, click here


Inspiring Capital Social Enterprise Summer Training Institute

Inspiring Capital’s 10-week Social Enterprise Summer Training Institute (SESTI) provides highly qualified and motivated undergraduates with unparalleled exposure to client work for thought-leading organizations that are integrating their profits and purpose. Each SESTI fellow will be paired with a current MBA fellow and assigned to help with a practical consulting project on behalf of a social impact client. It’s the ultimate summer internship combined with over 100 hours of training from industry experts, and you’re sure to form long-lasting connections with peers, mentors and potential employers. Our SESTI program will be held in both New York City and Raleigh, North Carolina, where client work and training sessions are held. For more information, fill out this form!


Halcyon Incubator

Halcyon Incubator is now accepting applications for their Fall 2017 fellowship! Halcyon provides aspiring social entrepreneurs and changemakers like you with a place to live and work in DC, a $10,000 stipend, mentoring, leadership coaching, and access to potential investors. Pro-bono partners provide free legal, consulting, and communications support for your venture. Halcyon takes no equity and is committed to supporting you along your entrepreneurial journey. You can learn more about the program benefits, eligibility, and selections criteria at http://halcyonhouse.org/incubator/apply


New Innovation and Entrepreneurship Courses- Fall 2017

I&E 290-2  Arts, Theater and Film Arts Entrepreneurship and Social Policy

David Garfinkle, JD https://helloentertainmentblog.wordpress.com/ M 1:25PM - 3:55PM

This course will give the student an overview of the business, legal, creative, and social issues underlying entrepreneurial entertainment ventures primarily in theater and film, as well as their economic and societal impact.  It will underscore that almost every entertainment endeavor is by necessity innovative and entrepreneurial, that entertainment and the arts can be leading forces of and for social change, and that the arts can have a major economic and cultural impact on the communities they touch.  


I&E 263S- Entrepreneurial Problem Solving in Global Health

Dennis Clements, MD https://globalhealth.duke.edu/people/faculty/clements-dennis W 10:05AM – 12:35PM

Global health, both international and local, has a long way to go to support healthy lives. In this class, students will have the opportunity to gain understanding of how the entrepreneurial method can help to improve health. Students will learn about the victories and the challenges, and in the end, will be better able to succeed in their future endeavors in the global health field.


I&E 290-1- Foundations of an Open Source World

Bryan G. Behrenshausen, PhD http://www.semioticrobotic.net/ W 1:40PM - 4:10PM

Something is "open" when it's accessible to, modifiable by, and sharable among anyone. This course explores ways in which principles derived from the open source software movement are generating social, cultural, and economic innovations. In an interactive, hands-on learning environment, students will research contemporary open source innovations, develop open source-related pitches, and create multimedia articles for the open access publication Opensource.com. Working closely with Opensource.com editors, students will engage in authentic learning as they conduct interviews with open source thought leaders, practice creative collaboration skills, and contribute new knowledge to a global audience of more than a million monthly readers.


More courses can be found at: https://entrepreneurship.duke.edu/education/courses/


The Co-Lab is Hiring

The Co-Lab is looking to hire three new student employees to start next semester. Information about the three openings is below.

·         Front End Developer/Designer:  We are looking for a student who wants to get involved in helping grow and promote the Innovation Co-Lab at Duke.  Working with our entrepreneurial-minded colleagues around campus, we're building a model program that will elevate and inspire Duke students who are solving problems, big and small, through our ever-changing technological environment. To learn more or to apply, click here!

·         Videographer: The Innovation Co-Lab wants to tell more stories of student innovation and experimentation on campus. We want someone with excellent writing skills, a knack for storytelling, and comfort behind (and perhaps in front of) a camera to join our team and help tell the bigger story of innovation at Duke. To learn more or to apply, click here!

·         Co-Lab Supervisor (Graduate Student): Co-Lab staff provide creative and technical support for patrons in the lab by helping faculty, staff and students take their project from beginning concept to final outcome. The staff report to a Graduate student Supervisor who has two main job responsibilities: handling technical and operational support, and running the CoLab Services division. Operational and technical support include being able to train any staff member on any equipment in the lab, helping manage the proper stock of equipment, and holding weekly staff meetings. To learn more or to apply, click here!



[Social Innovation]: some upcoming events!

A few upcoming events to be aware of!


Ensuring Economic Opportunities for Youth- Education, entrepreneurship and employment policy- A panel

Friday, April 7 @noon in Room 04 of Duke’s Sanford Building

In many developing nations, young people entering the workforce face a stark reality. While there are decent jobs available, youths often lack the skills to fill them. As a result, these young people are relegated to low-skilled jobs or unemployment, trapping them in poverty, reducing their nation’s economic growth, and sowing the seeds for political instability.

Please join us as experts in education and entrepreneurship explore the most effective ways to ensure meaningful youth employment and lasting prosperity. The talk is part of Duke-RTI Professors and Practitioners in Conversation series. The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided, and parking passes are available.

Read more about the event or RSVP online at tinyurl.com/youth4717.



Bureaucratizing Feminism? The Gender Equality Commission's Work in South Africa

Friday, April 7th @12:15pm-1:30pm, Friedl 225

Hicks will provide a contextual framework for the role of the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE), a Constitutionally established independent institution, in supporting democracy and gender equality. Using the CGE as an entry point, Hicks will both problematize it's effectiveness in discharging its mandate and present case studies of gender equality issues taken on by the CGE which suggest some measure of success in leveraging state accountability for gender equality. An overarching question will be: for the large majority of poor women in South Africa, is the CGE substantively advancing their struggle for equality, or is it merely a force to domesticate and bureaucratize it?

Learn more here

RSVP to Amanda Frederick here


Let's Innovate NC 2017 Conference has spaces open!

April 8th @ 10:30am-3pm, HQ Raleigh

The conference will feature workshops on customer delivery, UX/UI and human-centered design, budgeting, and other entrepreneurial skills, amazing keynote entrepreneurs, networking receptions among students and community members from all four universities, and a SHOWCASE where student entrepreneurs from Duke, UNC, NC State, and NCCU will pitch their startups! An amazing one-day event to meet students and people from the community, network, and get your innovative spirit moving. 

Need transportation? Click here

Get yourself a ticket here 

Sign up to be in the SHOWCASE here

Entrepreneurship in the Triangle
Wednesday, April 12, 6:30 p.m. at City Club Raleigh

Entrepreneurship in the Triangle” featuring a four-person panel of local experts who will share insights and anecdotes about the Triangle’s robust entrepreneurship ecosystem! Duke’s very own Tatiana Birgisson will be one of the panelists!
RSVP here 

FW: [Social Innovation]: Opportunities from "This Week in Sustainability"!


East Coast Greenway Alliance: ECGA is hiring a summer intern through the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation to work with ECGA to connect 3,000 miles of trail infrastructure along the Eastern seaboard from Maine to Florida. Grant parameters require applicants to be undergraduate, North Carolina residents and Pell Grant recipients.  Learn more here! Applications due 4/10.


Duke Campus Farm: The farm is hiring their summer work crew! In Durham for the summer? Join the farm crew and get paid for 20 hours a week and learn about organic agriculture and sustainable food systems.  Learn more here! Applications due 4/14.


Sustainable Duke: Apply for Sustainable Duke’s summer internship! Join Sustainable Duke and get paid for 35 hours a week working on a variety of sustainability-related topics, including greenhouse gas accounting, website development, and data visualization of sustainability-based metrics.  Learn more here! Applications are due 4/14.



Earth Month’s Green Spaces Photo Contest: Want to win cool prizes like an ENO hammock or an inflatable couch? Visit your favorite green space on Duke’s campus and upload a photo of it to social media with “#dukegreenspaces” by April 15th for your chance to win big!


Volunteer for Zero Waste LDOC: Want to get cool sustainability swag and a purchasing credit to the Parlour? Volunteer for a 2-hour time slot during LDOC to help students sort their waste and keep Duke’s Green, green! Click here to volunteer!



Large Scale Bayesian Inversion for Flow of the Antarctic Ice Sheet: Sponsored by Civil and Environmental Engineering, hear from Professor Omar Ghattas from the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences on what the difficulties are with modeling ice sheet flow and its role as a primary contributor to projected sea level rise.  Learn more here!  



Before the Flood Film Screening: Green and Fair Chapel, a new environmental initiative at Duke University Chapel, will host a screening of this award winning National Geographic documentary.  The film features Leonardo DiCaprio on his journey as a United Nations Messenger of Peace, travelling to five continents and the Artic to witness climate change firsthand.  Starts at 8:00 p.m. Learn more here!



Green and Fair Chapel Day: Join the Chapel from 9:00-11:00 a.m. for free Fair Trade coffee and giveaways as an opportunity for campus partners and local businesses to promote green/ethical goods and policies. From 12:30-1:30 p.m. there will be the Bridge Panel Conversation on Facing the Flood: Faith and Action for the Rising Generation, to discuss how different disciplines can work together for the same environmental goals during a time of political challenge.  Learn more about the Green and Fair Chapel initiative here.


Duke Campus Farm Workday: Enjoy great conversation while you weed, seed, plant, and more! Need a ride to the farm? Take a free Uber! 3:00-5:00 pm, 4934 Friends School Road, Durham.



Duke Climate Rally: University Day of Action: Join Duke Climate Coalition for a rally for student and university climate leadership! Across the country, colleges and universities will unite together for a University Climate Day of Action. Starts at 11:30 a.m. through 12:30 p.m. at the Chapel.


Sustainable Duke Office Hours: Have a project you want to pursue or questions about sustainability on campus?  Join Program Coordinator Rebecca Hoeffler in the Perk from 1-4 p.m. to learn about the Green Grant, Duke Carbon Offsets, or the Campus Farm! Email Rebecca.hoeffler@duke.edu to make your appointment!


Contra Dance at the Duke Campus Farm: Celebrate the growing season with a traditional Contra Dance at the Farm! Contra dancing involves a caller working with a group of live musicians to guide dancers of all levels through dance in circle and long-line square formations! Partners change often so no need to bring your own and no experience necessary to enjoy! Starts at 7:00 p.m. and ends at 10:00 p.m. at 4934 Friends School Road in Durham, need a ride? Take a free Uber!  



Duke Campus Farm Workday: Enjoy great conversation while you weed, seed, plant, and more! Need a ride to the farm? Take a free Uber! 3:00-5:00 pm, 4934 Friends School Road, Durham.


Questions? Contact Becky Hoeffler 

Program Coordinator, Sustainable Duke

E: Rebecca.Hoeffler@duke.edu



[Social Innovation]: Events and Opportunities for you

Take a look at this round up of upcoming events and opportunities! There is a lot of goodness in here!



DataFest 2017
The Edge, March 31-April 2

Want to mingle with data analysis professionals from industry and academia? Compete for prizes and glory? At DataFest you'll get a chance to work on a large, complex, and surprise data analysis challenge over a weekend. The deadline to register is March 30th. Click here to register!


The American Underground & Friends Social E’ship Happy Hour

Tuesday, April 4- 5:30-8pm

American Underground @Main


Building a Culture of Dialogue
Tuesday, April 4th @3:30pm-6:30pm, Rubenstein 153Holsti-Anderson Family Assembly Room
Faculty, students and community partners are invited to participate in a workshop that introduces how to create a culture of dialogue and inclusivity on campus, from navigating identity differences, making decision after “listening deeply enough to be changed by what you learn,” and building increased empathy on campus. The workshop will be led by Rhonda Fitzgerald, Managing Director for the Sustained Dialogue Institute.  Learn more and apply here!


GLEAN (Global Energy Access Network) and EnergyX are bringing two NGO leaders to campus to talk about international energy access issues

Monday, April 3 and Tuesday, April 4

Tri Mumpuni, Ashoka Fellow and Executive Director of IBEKA, and Jessica Rivas, Co-founder, WindAid Institute, will be on campus to speak about energy access issues in Peru and Indonesia. 

Complete information about the sessions can be found on the attached posters.

[MONDAY] Creations from Wind & Water - West Union 068 4317 from 4-30 - 5-30PM 2.pdf

[TUESDAY] Challenges Facing NGO Energy Access Work West Union 068 44 4PM - 5PM .pdf

[TUESDAY] Lunch- Energy Access and Social Entrepreneurship - Ahmadieh Family Grand Hall (Gross 330) 44 1130 - 1PM 2.pdf


Art, Activism, Race, and the Law
Thursday, April 6th @7pm- Nasher Museum of Art 

This cross-disciplinary panel inspired by themes in the exhibition Nina Chanel Abney: Royal Flush will discuss the complex dynamics of race and the law, public policy, the justice system and art activism.
Learn more and RSVP here


Ensuring Economic Opportunities for Youth- Education, entrepreneurship and employment policy- A panel

Friday, April 7 @noon in Room 04 of Duke’s Sanford Building

In many developing nations, young people entering the workforce face a stark reality. While there are decent jobs available, youths often lack the skills to fill them. As a result, these young people are relegated to low-skilled jobs or unemployment, trapping them in poverty, reducing their nation’s economic growth, and sowing the seeds for political instability.

Please join us as experts in education and entrepreneurship explore the most effective ways to ensure meaningful youth employment and lasting prosperity. The talk is part of Duke-RTI Professors and Practitioners in Conversation series. The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided, and parking passes are available.

Read more about the event or RSVP online at tinyurl.com/youth4717.



Let’s Innovate NC 2017 Conference has spaces open!


April 8th from 10AM-3PM @HQ Raleigh

The conference will feature workshops on customer delivery, UX/UI and human centered design, budgeting, and other entrepreneurial skills, amazing keynote entrepreneurs, networking receptions among students and community members from all four universities, and a SHOWCASE where student entrepreneurs from Duke, UNC, NC State, and NCCU will pitch their startups!!!! An amazing one-day event to meet students and people from the community, network, and get your innovative spirit moving.  

Need transportation?: bit.ly/LiNCTransportation

Get yourself a ticket: bit.ly/LiNC2017

SIGN UP TO BE IN THE SHOWCASE: (pitch sign-up) https://goo.gl/forms/tLC36p0FZIkTKL2E2



Africa in Conversation: Partnering for Health in Tanzania: Reflections on the Past 16 Years
Tuesday, April 11 @4pm-5pm, Perkins 218

Tanzania has faced tremendous challenges in promoting health for its citizens including poverty, infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, the emergence of non-communicable diseases, and shortages of health care workers and facilities.  Duke has partnered with colleagues in Tanzania to address these challenges in health promotion. Learn more and apply here


The World is Watching: Duke Students Abroad in the Age of Trump

Tuesday, April 18th @12:00pm-1:30pm, Bay4 Smith Warehouse

This panel will focus on what issues students and faculty need to consider when traveling this summer, and what it means to represent an American university at this time. Panelists will prepare questions that help students reflect on how they engage in conversations about the current political situation and discuss the privilege of crossing borders when many people cannot. Cluadia Koonz will moderate, Robyn Winneberger, the senior case manager from David Price’s office will serve as a panelist as well as a Duke faculty member and two students.

Learn more here


Yale’s Global Health & Innovation Conference

April 22-23 (date of conference)

Register to attend! The Global Health & Innovation Conference (#GHIC) is the world’s leading and largest global health conference as well as the largest social entrepreneurship conference, with 2,200 professionals and students from all 50 states and more than 55 countries.

For more information, click here

Register here


The Future of Wealth Summit

April 26-28, 2017

The Future of Wealth Summit, will bring together policymakers, journalists, advocates, and experts at the intersection of government, technology, economics, education, health, and human and civil rights to discuss and advance solutions to today’s biggest challenges through the lens of technology, inclusion, and social change.

To register, visit www.2017summit.globalpolicysolutions.org.




Applications open for Project EDGE pre-Orientation committee

Due this Friday, March 31

Do you enjoy design and startup challenges? Are you interested in helping shape the future leaders and entrepreneurs of Duke?

Apply to be on the Project EDGE Pre-Orientation committee! We are a group committed to Engineering and Design for Growth and Innovation, and we are excited to build a team to execute on our ambitious goals. The first summer of our program will be 2018, and we are looking for a team to plan, design, and make the program incredible!  Both Trinity and Pratt are encouraged to apply!

Apply Here by Friday, March 31st


Inclusion Revolution Innovation Competition

Proposals are due by March 31st

Now accepting proposals for the Inclusion Revolution Innovation Competition, which will be held on April 28, the last day of our 2017 Future of Wealth Summit.

Sponsored by JPMorgan Chase & Co., the competition will award a $10,000 grant to the innovator who best uses technology to improve the social or economic well-being of traditionally marginalized communities. 

Proposals are due by March 31st at 11:59 p.m. and must focus on achieving one of the following outcomes:

-The creation of more equitable jobs or business opportunities for women, people of color, or disabled individuals in the technology sector; or

-The creation of a product, program, or policy that successfully addresses some of the routine challenges facing women, communities of color, vulnerable youth, the elderly, rural and/or low-income populations, or disabled individuals.

Selected finalists will pitch their ideas to a panel of business and startup experts.

The competition is named after the Inclusion Revolution, our major initiative pushing for policies that allow everyone to thrive.

To learn more about the competition or to register for the 2017 Future of Wealth Summit, visit www.2017summit.globalpolicysolutions.org.


Apply to the Community Empowerment Fund

Deadline: April 7th, 2017

The Community Empowerment Fund (CEF) is seeking applications for an Advocate Program Coordinator

In this position, you will coordinate the activities of 60-80 volunteer Advocates and 4+ volunteer leadership teams for CEF’s Durham County programs and services. You’ll serve as a key leader for CEF’s overall programming in Durham County also collaborate with CEF’s Chapel Hill office to shape volunteer training and programming with a counterpart program coordinator.

To learn more and apply, click here


Apply to the Women's Leadership Initiative Cohort

Deadline: April 17th

Interested in developing yourself as a strong female leader? The Penny Pilgram George Women's Leadership Initiative is taking applications for our year-long cohort experience. Participate in service, connect with our leadership and networking opportunities, and go on an exclusive spring break trip! 

For more information, click here.


Global Impact Corps: Global Health Volunteer Abroad Opportunity

Deadlines Vary per Program

Unite for Sight's Global Impact Corps Program is an immersive global health experience for students and professionals who are interested in public health, international development, medicine, or social entrepreneurship. Fellows participate with and learn from Unite For Sight's talented local partner doctors who have provided care to 2.2 million patients living in poverty, including more than 95,000 sight-restoring surgeries. Fellows assist with patient education, visual acuity testing, patient intake, distributing the glasses and mediation prescribed by the local doctors, and other important support tasks. Additionally, fellows may participate in the Global Impact Lab, an optional program for those interested in pursuing research. 

To learn more, click here


McKinsey Undergraduate Women’s Impact Award

Deadline for Application: Monday, April 10th @11:59pm EST

Do you think about what it means to be a female leader? Are you searching for ways to improve the world around you? At McKinsey & Company, an international management consulting firm, we pride ourselves on developing future leaders who are having lasting impact in their communities and even globally.  To that end, we are supporting freshmen, sophomore and junior women who are passionate about making change in the world through the Apply to McKinsey Undergraduate Women's Impact Award. This award provides $1,500 of funding toward your summer plans in the fields of global public healtheconomic development and opportunity creationsustainability, and/or social innovation and technology. 

Learn more and apply here



Katherine Black

Program Coordinator, Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative (I&E)

www.entrepreneurship.duke.edu | @dukesocent


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